XIV International Materials Research Congress: Symposium 7, Materials Characterization — Cancun, August 2005
S. Velumani,Ramiro Perez Campos,Antonio Contreras
Materials Characterization 58 (2007) 671

Optimization of tube length of the hot wall set up for depositing stoichiometric CuInSe2 thin films - structural and optical characterization
S.Agilan, D.Mangalaraj, Sa.K.Narayandass, S.Velumani and Alex Ignatiev.
Vacuum – Surface Engineering, surface instrumentation and vacuum technology, 81, iss 7(2007) 813-818.
Electrosynthesis and studies on Zn1-xHgxTe Thin Films
T.Mahalingam, A. Kathalingam, S.Velumani, Soonil Lee, Hosun Moon, and Yong Deak Kim.
Journal of New Materials for Electrochemical systems 10(2007)21-25.

Photoluminescence and persistent photoconductivity of AlxGa1−xN/GaN heterostructures
s.j. chung,b. karunagaran,s. velumani,c.-h. hong,h.j. lee,e.-k. suh.
Appl. Phys. A 86, 521–524 (2007)

Photoconductive Properties of Hot Wall Deposited CdSe0.7Te0.3 Thin Films
N.Muthukumarasamy, R. Balasundaraprabhu, S. Jayakumar, M.D. Kannan, P.J.Sebastian and S.Velumani.
Journal of New Materials for Electrochemical Systems 10, 1(2007)39-42.

Conduction Studies on ZnTe Thin Films
R. Amutha, A. Subbarayan, R. Sathyamoorthy, K. Natarajan and S. Velumani.
Journal of New Materials for Electrochemical Systems 10,1(2007)27-32.

Characterization of Hot Wall Deposited CdSe0.6Te0.4 Thin Films
R. Balasundaraprabhu, S. Jayakumar, M. D. Kannan, N. Muthukumarasamy, S.Velumani
Journal of New Materials for Electrochemical Systems 10,1(2007)55-59

Transport Properties of Sb2Se3 doped Bi2Te3 thin films
J.Dheepa, R.Sathyamoorthy, A.Subbarayan, P.J.Sebastian and S.Velumani.
journal of New Materials for Electrochemical Systems 10,1(2007)3-7

Structural studies on vacuum evaporated ZnSe/p-Si Schottky diodes
S. Venkatachalam, D. Mangalaraj, Sa.K. Narayandass ,S. Velumani , P. Schabes-Retchkiman , J.A. Ascencio
Materials Chemistry and Physics 103 (2007) 305–311

Characterization of vacuum-evaporated ZnSe thin films
S. Venkatachalam , Y.L. Jeyachandran, P. Sureshkumar, A. Dhayalraj, D. Mangalaraj, Sa.K. Narayandass , S. Velumani
Materials Characterization 58 (2007) 794–799

TiO2 thin film gas sensor for monitoring ammonia
B. Karunagaran, Periyayya Uthirakumar, S.J. Chung, S. Velumani, E.-K. Suh
Materials Characterization 58 (2007) 680–684

Electrical conduction in zinc phosphide thin films
R. Sathyamoorthy, C. Sharmila, P. Sudhagar, S. Chandramohan, S. Velumani
Materials Characterization 58 (2007) 730–734

Influence of Annealing on Structural and Optical Properties of Zn3P2 Thin Films
R.Sathyamoorthy, C.Sharmila, K.Natarajan, S.Velumani
Materials Characterization 58, 8-9(2007)745-749

Electrosynthesis and characterization of lead oxide thin films
T. Mahalingam, S. Velumani, M. Raja, S. Thanikaikarasan, J.P. Chu, S.F. Wang, Y.D. Kim
Materials Characterization 58 (2007) 817–822

Electrochemical deposition and characterization of Ni–P alloy thin films
T. Mahalingam, M. Raja, S. Thanikaikarasan, C. Sanjeeviraja, S. Velumani, Hosun Moon, Yong Deak Kim
Materials Characterization 58 (2007) 800–804

Electrodeposition and characterization of HgSe thin films
T. Mahalingam, A. Kathalingam, C. Sanjeeviraja, R. Chandramohan, J.P. Chu, Yong Deak Kim, S. Velumani
Materials Characterization 58 (2007) 735–739

Structure, Photo-electric characteristics studies of Hot Wall Deposited CuInSe2 thin films and effect of buffer layer in CuInSe2 based Solar Cells.
S.Agilan, S.Vekatachalam, D.Mangalaraj, Sa.K.Narayandass, G.Mohan Rao, S.Velumani, and Vijay Singh
Materials Characterization 58, 8-9(2007)701-707
Space charge limited current conduction in Bi2Te3 thin films
R. Sathyamoorthy, J. Dheepa, S. Velumani
Materials Characterization 58 (2007) 842–846

Characterization of Bi2Te3 thin films-Flash evaporation method
J.Dheepa, R.Sathyamoorthy and S.Velumani
Materials Characterization 58, 8-9(2007)782-785

Spectroscopic ellipsometry (SE) studies on vacuum-evaporated ZnSe thin films
S. Venkatachalam , D. Soundararajan , P. Peranantham , D. Mangalaraj ,Sa.K. Narayandass , S. Velumani , P. Schabes-Retchkiman
Materials Characterization 58 (2007) 715–720

Effect of rapid thermal annealing on the properties of PECVD SiNx thin films
B. Karunagaran, S.J. Chunga, S. Velumani, E.-K. Suh.
Materials Chemistry and Physics 106 (2007) 130–133
